Friday, February 25, 2005

on being a teacher

after class today, a one of my foundation year kids came up to me and said, "you know every day i get up and think im SO not sure i want to do this, and then your friday class comes about and im like...this is what i want to do. so, thanks." it's moments like these, i tell ya. its moments like these.


At 9:55 AM, Blogger Blogger Templates said...

wow! u must be good

At 10:13 AM, Blogger jammie said...

well lets just say there are good days and bad days. sometimes the energy just clicks. and everything you say falls into place. *magic class* :D

At 3:39 PM, Blogger Faraz said...

What do you teach? how old are the students?

At 3:49 PM, Blogger KM said...

i agree with the kid.
i felt like that u-know-when.
but u pulled me out of it, with that talk you gave me.
so despite the situation and the not-changing grade..i believe in my work and continue to stand by it.
love u, mwah!

At 7:38 PM, Blogger jammie said...

faraz i teach typography and the "kids" would be between 19-21.

khizzy thanks. all in a days work on being the eldest jam.

At 12:23 AM, Blogger insiyasyed said...

how come i never had a teacher like that? eva? i mean - no fair. but i say your students are the blessed! carry on and spread some.

At 4:16 AM, Blogger kAy said...

here a loving comment from an ex-student...
its true- you were...are a great teacher- i know i learnt..learn a lot from you everyday...all my friends think so too-
i remember the days you were late for class...there was a panic in the class, "you mean sara WONT be taking the crit?"
good ol days ;)

At 9:11 AM, Blogger ~meyum & a half~ said...

yes....and you manage to inspire fellow teachers too:)i come their as a student..ummmm but thats my secret...only u know:)
sometimes i wonder why all tecahers cant be that way,.undesratnd a students mind and inspire them rather than kill them.
love doing this!!!:)

At 10:29 AM, Blogger jammie said...

hahah meyum are you referring to our random discussions on 'teaching is a high'??

insiya-thanks but seriously though, its all about combinations. if you work with people who trust you enough and believe in your abilities, theres really nothing you cant do. :)

At 5:10 PM, Blogger M K Abbas said...

I believe teaching is such a challenege, because you arent just imparting knowledge, you are determining the future of a generation, guiding them as to how they shape their lives.
Just imagine how ecstatic youd be when your students get recognized by the world and you think to yourself, I taught them how to do that! :D

At 3:09 AM, Blogger Misreflection said...

If you are passionate about what you do , everyone will see and feel it. A time for a pat on the back , well done. For me at this stage of my life , the only teacher I have is life, with its ups and downs, my classroom the world in which I live, the students - the people I interact with but reading your blog takes me back sometimes , : -)


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