Monday, December 27, 2004

The 11 Do's and Dont's for a Good Shaadi Season

For a city that does not see the changing of the 4 seasons allotted to us by Mother Nature, we can proudly say we have one season that pretty much takes us through year round. And no depletion of the ozone layer is about to affect this one.

The 11 Do's and Dont's for the Shaadi Season in Karachi ~ December 2004~

1. DO start collecting invites. It will help later when you have to name drop to show where all you were invited.
2. DON'T be more than 2 hours late. Even Karachi won't understand someone who shows up at 11 after being invited at 8. Really.
3. DO eat before you leave. Goverment rules might apply in some cases.
4. DON'T forget to shaadi hop. It's the very latest in social things to do this season.
5. DO plan your outfits. After all you dont want to wear what you wore last week and risk running into someone who might recognize it. You still have to live here, after all.
6. DON'T underestimate the power of wedding romances. Smile at the cute guy from the other side who danced well.
7. DO go up to the happy couple on stage. If you don't make eye contact, your visit is not counted. I'm serious.
8. DON'T wait around for the action. If you got there in time, good for you. If not, move on to the next wedding!
9. DO look your single best. It's sure to get a good weep out of the bride for all the fun and independence thats shes leaving behind.
10. DON'T try to cover more than 3 events a night. After all, you DO want people to vaguely recall you were there now, dont you?
11. DO car-pool. There are already more than enough people driving solo trying to find parking out there. Not only will you help provide a parking relief, you will get more opportunity to gossip about the bride’s clothes.

Happy Shaadi Season Everyone! Drive safe and be Marry!


At 2:18 AM, Blogger saba said...

Hahahah - so true! Though every wedding season, one of my closest cousins decides to get married, and I get pulled in as errandgirl, dance initiator, wedding singer et al, and am saved from having to go to ten different weddings :)

At 2:49 AM, Blogger jammie said...

i know what you mean. although 2 years ago i had 2 very close best friends and my one of my closest cousins get married. dunno how i survived that!!!!

At 8:18 PM, Blogger Mina said...

khekhe loved the pun ;)

At 3:52 PM, Blogger M K Abbas said...

9. DO look your single best. It's sure to get a good weep out of the bride for all the fun and independence thats shes leaving behind

what ever happened to providing some solace to the "departed soul" ;)

At 3:54 PM, Blogger jammie said...

BAH. enjoy singledom.


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