Thursday, October 06, 2005

teachers have it easy.

every day as a teacher all i do is laugh, lecture, sympathize, empathize, explain, suffer, learn, preach, realize, argue, fight, compromise, philosophize, minimalize, maximize, calm, agitate, motivate, teach, get attached, feel removed, become cold, become inspirational, lose perspective, gain respect, get humiliated, feel rewarded, do not earn enough money, get more than enough compensation, make mistakes, shout exasperatedly, ignore purposely, appreciate wholeheartedly and realize deeply and be the best that i can for that moment. all in a days work.


At 6:40 PM, Blogger insiyasyed said...

"do not earn enough money" - well, mr/ms anonymous nay yay masla to hal kar diya! :)

i have a few teachers in my family. an aunt has been teaching since 30 years now and its great to see 'kids' she taught in kindergarten all growned-up now with their own kids!

a very happy belated teachers day. :D

At 4:30 AM, Blogger ~meyum & a half~ said...

"hang with them"i like that:)

At 6:18 AM, Blogger BBCD said...

which age of children do you teach??

At 1:31 PM, Blogger KM said...

wow...u sound like this teacher i know...
ummm...u look like her
u sound like hee...
lol...its u!!!
*ok major drama here*

At 1:40 PM, Blogger Shezalldat said...

lol... u so dont look teacher material!

At 2:15 PM, Blogger jammie said...

bbcd...i teach "kids" of about 18-21 years old. :D

insiya thanks. when exactly was teachers day?

tez: true dat...when someones actually comes and says makes our day.

khizzy...when you know who she is, do tell me :)

shez..really? what does teacher material look like then eh??

At 7:38 PM, Blogger insiyasyed said...

it was on the 5th of oct.

i remeber making hand-made cards for my teachers every year when i was in school. :) with one msg that i clearly remember: 'dear miss. thankyou for teaching me.' - year 1993.

At 8:21 AM, Blogger BBCD said...

oh cool do you teach umm *trys to figure out how to say it in code* umm the Uni that ummm your little sis goes too?

At 2:21 PM, Blogger Shezalldat said...

you're too erm.. ummm... jus not teacher type!

i replied to your msg on my blog.


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